
Google Has Finally Killed the CAPTCHA

CAPTCHA’s are an irritating but necessary evil. The system that is used to verify whether or not a user is human has been around a while and it had to evolve because machines were getting better at reading the text than humans. With its latest iteration, Google says you’ll no longer have to input anything at all.

Invisible CAPTCHA’s are the latest development in the Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Google acquired reCaptcha back in 2009. It updated the system in 2013 to allow for the ubiquitous I’m not a robot checkbox that’s all over the internet. That version worked by determining the user’s humanity through their clicking style. If the click seemed fishy, a more elaborate test would be offered. But the Invisible CAPTCHA is able to recognize that a user is not a bot simply by analysing their browsing behaviour — via

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