Technology, Wildlife

How technology is helping homeless pets find a new home

In Australia, over 137,390 animals once called pets are received annually by the RSPCA [PDF] alone, with rescue homes and animal shelters receiving surrendered animals faster than they can re-home those already in care.

With few options other than euthanasia for those animals unable to be placed, self-taught coder John Bishop decided he needed to do something and launched Pet Rescue in 2003, an online service connecting former pets with new owners.

Working with approximately 98 percent of the rescue groups in Australia from the RSPCA to animal welfare leagues, vets, pounds, and foster carers, non-profit Pet Rescue currently has over 8,600 animals from 952 rescue groups on its website.

Essentially it’s an aggregation service but that’s not very sexy, Bishop explained. We look at ourselves as providing connections between pets in care with the rescue groups and the public that are looking to adopt.

As Pet Rescue operates at a not-for-profit, Bishop has been faced with the mammoth task of keeping up with technology since day one — via

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