
Did Canuck the crow swoop off with a knife from a Vancouver crime scene?

Canuck the crow, Vancouver’s most notorious bird, is being accused of flying away with a knife from a crime scene.

The crow has quite a reputation in Vancouver and its antics are regularly chronicled on social media, including a dedicated Facebook page that has a profile photo of the bird holding a knife in its beak.

Earlier on Tuesday, police had shot a man near Hastings and Cassiar streets. They were called to the scene of a car engulfed in flames. When they arrived, police said, they were confronted by a man with a knife.

Shots were fired and the man was arrested.

Vancouver Courier reporter Mike Howell said he saw the bird — which had a red tag on its leg as does Canuck — swoop in and pick up an object from inside an area cordoned off by police tape.

A cop chased it for about 15 to 20 feet, and then the crow dropped it and took off, Howell told CBC.

It was really strange. In my 20-plus years reporting from crime scenes, I’ve never seen anything like that crow trying to take a knife — via redwolf.newsvine.com

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