CDC’s Wedding Day Survival Guide

We’re sure it’s just a fluke that wedding season happens to coincide with hurricane season. Ensuring that everything is perfect for the big day requires a great deal of strategy, coordination, and patience. As you gather your nearest and dearest to celebrate what should be a joyful time, Mother Nature, clashing personalities, and unexpected situations could easily thwart even the best laid plans. Being in the throes of wedding season, many of us here at CDC realised that planning for a wedding isn’t that much different from planning for a disaster. Just remember: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, and Be Informed.

Build a Kit
You’ve put in a lot of work leading up to this event, so the idea of a back-up emergency kit shouldn’t be too far-fetched.  The bridal kit should include extra safety pins, make-up for touch ups, maybe a few sedatives. It also wouldn’t hurt to have the essentials from a home emergency kit or go-bag by your side.  You never know when you might need to bandage up a clumsy flower girl, revive a passed out reception guest, or even evacuate. A first aid kit, bottles of water, snacks, medications, extra cash, and important documents are just a few of the more practical items to have handy.  If you’re the bride, add this to the list of things you need your maid of honour or someone in the bridal party to put together for you.  For a more extensive emergency kit list, visit FEMA’s — via

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