Kogan to tax shoppers for using IE7

Australian consumer electronics upstart Kogan Technologies has deployed a special tax on its popular website which will charge online shoppers an extra 6.8 percent on top of their purchases if they persist in using what the company described as Microsoft’s antique Internet Explorer web browser.

The way we’ve been able to keep our prices so low is by using technology to make our business efficient and streamlined, Kogan wrote on its company blog yesterday. One of the things stopping that is our web team having to spend a lot of time making our new website look normal on IE7. This is an extremely old browser, so from today, anyone buying from the site who uses IE7 will be lumped with a 6.8% surcharge — that’s 0.1% for each month IE7 has been on the market.

It’s not only costing us a huge amount, it’s affecting any business with an online presence, and costing the Internet economy millions, the company claimed. Customers who enter our site using Internet Explorer 7 can avoid the impost by simply downloading an up-to-date browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera or even a more recent version of Internet Explorer. Kogan wrote that all Internet citizens had a responsibility to make the Internet a better place.

By taking these measures, we are doing our bit, the company added. This will help us increase our efficiency, help keep prices for all smart shoppers down, and hopefully help eradicate the world of the pain in the rear that is IE7! So, what are you waiting for? Time to upgrade your browser! — via redwolf.newsvine.com

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