Craft, Wildlife

Pigtail Pilot Hat as Modelled by Disgruntled Malamute / Red Wolf

Pigtail Pilot Hat as Modelled by Disgruntled Malamute originally uploaded by Red Wolf

Malamute grungingly stepped in as hat model for the occasion. Note that she’s wearing it backwards so the hole locations are better suited to the forward position of her ears.

One of the yarns I bought to sample for the Yorick scarf ended up getting used for the final run of the pigtail pilot hat project. Despite the blue colour of the picture, the yarn is actually varigated turquoise and purple.

As I had no set pattern and was cobbling together my own from a few sources, all of which have no concept of proper yarn descriptions, the result was a bit big. The 8 ply yarn, while suited to mild Australian winters, seemed a bit flimsy for the hat, especially after I added the i-cord that holds its structure together.

So, I felted it. Half an hour in the kitchen sink by hand, then it got turned over to the mercies of the hot/cold cycle of the washing machine. It got brushed when it came out of the wash and is quite fuzzy.

The size is now perfect — for a human head, Malamute was underwhelmed by the fit on her head. The ear flaps just cover my ears instead of curling up and the holes at the top could probably hold my dreadlocks up quite nicely without the additional need of hair bands. But as I have a pair of very cute, purple cat hair bands, far be it from me to leave that step out.

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