Savage Apple Chicken Words

If you love chickens and post-it notes AND weird humour, then savage chickens is the comic strip for you!

I have been very quiet about the whole Apple switching to Intel processor thing. Partly because I’ve been too busy at work, and TAFE assessments, and partly because I don’t understand the intricacies of system architecture and computer bits and what have you. Again I defect to Ol’ Grubey for what seems to be pretty in-depth light on the subject. But faster laptops = good surely.

I would like the world to know that MS Word screws up images, and that whacking some jpgs of lets say, web site designs that you expect people to code as pixel exactly as possible sites off is really fucking bad. There’s really nothing wrong with sending through images in .jpg, or .gif or .png format without the MS Word fuck-tionality.

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  1. Red Wolf

    17 June 2005 at 8.25 pm

    Friend at work today was trying to explain to a brain-donor client how to convert a TIF to a JPG. She’s assuming he’s a complete moron and is carefully explaining (in really small words) how to use the usual array of shonky pre-packaging Windows tools. He’s still whingeing that there is no option to convert it to JPG.
    I walked past and asked her to find out what programme he was attempting to use. Turns out he was completely ignoring everything he was being told, was trying to use Word as an image editor and was baffled why it wouldn’t work. Word can barely handle complex documents, it totally borks on images.
    How these people manage to get out of bed, without fatally injuring themselves with soap or shoelaces, never ceases to amaze me


  2. lucie

    20 June 2005 at 10.25 am

    Wow that is fucked. The particular client I’m referring to in my entry have a design team who produce the mockups so it’s not like they don’t have them in the proper format for me to refer to. Mind you this is the 3rd project we’ve done for them and for each one they’ve tried just giving me their crappy word doc, and I keep on refusing to even start coding until I have proper images.
    I suppose in the windows non-design user world there isn’t much that comes with the OS that will let them create anything decent, no people .bmp files from MS Paint aren’t that decent! But surely there is some sort of free or lite app out there to combat this?


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