Telstra Art Competition

Telstra ‘Paint a Payphone’ Art Competition
Telstra are running a competition, the winner will get their artwork displayed on selected Telstra payphones across Australia, and at the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Prizes are very encouraging, with an iBook pack for 17s and under, and 10,000 bucks for 18s and older.
I wonder if this is one of those things that crap graffiti taggers* shun because it’s legitimate? I can see it now, the sensitive graffiti artist in the crap tagger posse enters comp with a gorgeous design, wins and gets thrown out of said posse for doing something other than write a bad alias illegibly.
* I am aware that graffiti art is not all people essentially lifting their leg and marking their territory. This stuff, I think, is crap. There is plenty of fantastic graffiti out there, including tags that are meticulously executed, with more attention to typography than a lot of designed stuff.

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