AirPort Fucking Nice Express

Apple have just unveiled their latest shiny new thingy, the AirPort Express, a portable wireless base station which also allows you to stream music throughout your home, wirelessly. That’s right, you can hook one of these babies into your stereo/speakers, (and/or it’s sprawled out speakers) and set up your playlists from your laptop from the other side of the house.

The new base station is not like it’s older UFO shaped brother, and fits nicely in the palm of your hand, and uses 802.11g wireless standard, so data rates up to 54 Megabits per second.

Nice. Fucking damn nice. You know what else is fucking damn nice? It is backwards compatible with the older 802.11b wireless cards. Of course this means a new iTunes (AirTunes) with streaming capabilities, and yep, both Mac and PC are invited to this party.

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One Comment

  1. sbszine

    9 June 2004 at 4.47 pm

    I’m about yea close to becoming a Maccite, I fear. I think my heart is really with Linux, but I want to do music stuff and have schmick hardware.


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