Mac Rumors: Bigger, Better, Shinier

Reducing the cost of iPods, Aluminum displays?

Aluminium display to compliment your shiny G5 hey? Yeah that sounds like something Apple would bring out. As for the size, yeah 24 inch also sounds quite believable. I drooled over a G5 in person on Monday. It’s a huge beast truly worthy of an equally huge display, I mean the 20 or 23 inch cinema display (I can’t remember which one it was. ‘Twas big ‘n’ shiny) it was hooked up to was actually looking a bit small! (Nah man, for real! Yes I know a 20 inch display certainly dwarfs my piss-weak 17 inch Phillips thing running some mediocre graphics card at work, but… yeah…).

Anyhow, the lovely translucentness of the cinema displays don’t quite compliment the G5 as much as I’m sure it could, or at least that was my feeling after seeing this setup in person.

XServe and iMac G5s, Mac OS X 10.3.3, notebook displays

iMac G5s? Lets get the Power Books happening first shall we? But then again, Apple might want to hurry along the roll out of the Intel based G5 chip. Hmmm…

Sources comment on Power Mac, Power Book updates

Stop teasing already!

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