Aussie Apples Too Bloody Expensive

US-Australia price disparity stirs debate

Hmmm… yes macs are expensive especially if you’re in Australia. Here’s a quote from one of the readers:

Is Apple obliged to cut prices so it cannot benefit from currency movements? If the Aussie was weakening, Apple would not necessarily raise pricing, but prefer to take a hit so it could maintain sales

Apple Australia actually did raise raise pricing due to a, at one stage, very weak Aussie dollar. I know, because I was just about to purchase a top of the range iBook, only to realise that this was no longer financially possible about 2 weeks later when I had all the money together. The year would’ve been 1999 or 2000-ish, so yes, not necessarily being the operative phrase here, and I don’t recall them dropping them back yet now that our dollar is a bit stronger.

On another note, the Apple’s WorldWide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) is happening in San Francisco in June. Apple are offering scholarships to students of Australian unis to attend. Which is nice.

Of course with a WWDC looming soon-ish one can’t help but wonder what next big slickly designed consumable beasties are awaiting to be unveiled.

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  1. Red Wolf

    9 March 2004 at 9.03 pm

    I was having a chat to Chris about comic prices not dropping when the dollar rose and he showed me the prices of the shipments. While it is cheaper to buy the comics, the privatisation of Sydney airport has meant a lot more bullshit charges being added to each shipment that have cancelled out the savings.
    Admittedly the comic shops are a small concern and Apple have more weight to throw around, but the pricing may not be as simple as the difference in the exchange rate


  2. Joe Shmoe

    10 March 2004 at 6.01 am

    Someone should look at the iPod Mini prices. There seems to be an error and it sell at A$ 1.10!! each!! …you have to chose the one you want and go through the process to get the price.


  3. Technophile

    10 March 2004 at 5.03 pm

    There is one thing you failed to mention. Apple has set pricing worldwide. I found this out while living in Australia. There is a huge difference in pricing depending on the exchange rates. When I purchased my Powerbook G3 Lombard + extra RAM and removable Zip drive, it would have cost me more than $400 USD if I bought it in Oz!!! This is when I researched this and found that it is the country’s taxes which cause the prices to be so much higher. My first TiBook cost me $2500USD with an extra 512MB RAM for free. In Australia, it started at $5500 without any extras! Exchange rate still didn’t take the price difference into consideration!! Don’t burn Apple, write your representatives!!


  4. lucie

    10 March 2004 at 5.25 pm

    Aha! Bloody taxes hey? This indeed might be worth some investigation.


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