Job Limbo

My job contract has come to an end, but due to the way our enterprise agreement is structured, it can’t be rolled over to another year as before. Instead, I’m on six weeks holidays as of Friday while they write a position description and advertise a permanent version of my contracting job. It should be sorted out by the beginning of May (my birthday!), and as the incumbent I’ll have a very good shot at getting it, but in the meantime I am bewildered and at a loose end. So it’ll proabably turn out to be a good thing, but the timing sucks. My student fees are due soon and the landlord is trying to put my rent up. Bleh.

On the upside I’ll finally be able to read Homer’s Odyssey like I’ve been meaning to, and my RSI will have some time to heal.

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  1. Red Wolf

    24 February 2004 at 3.03 pm

    The public service has a strange and bizarre series of laws devoid of all logic. How is shit like that allowed to perpetuate? Weird


  2. sbszine

    25 February 2004 at 10.22 am

    Well, I can see the point of it, which is to prevent them using casuals for years at a time to avoid paying worker’s comp etc. It’s just annoying that I’m not automagically made permanent.


  3. Red Wolf

    25 February 2004 at 11.44 am

    Guess it gives them the chance to cull the dodgy employees at the same time


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