G5 Violated!

“How I PC’d an Apple G5”

There are NO words to describe my utter shock and abhorrance for this dickhead. He gets a G5 for a GIFT! Who the hell gets a G5 for a GIFT?

Ok that’s not what I’m truly shocked at. He dissembowels it so he can whack PC bits in it so he can run Windows XP, apparently he wanted a Dell (Dill or Hell) not a G5!

Where are the Apple police when you need them!

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  1. Red Wolf

    29 January 2004 at 12.38 pm

    Ignoring the whole Apple violation, he wanted a Dell? People should be shot on sight for even uttering that phrase. Fuckwits who want Dells wouldn’t know it’s even possible to mod a PC, so I’m thinking this guy is a troll


  2. sbszine

    29 January 2004 at 2.30 pm

    Windows XP.
    Dear god


  3. ginshirou

    8 February 2004 at 3.49 am

    Techworld notes that G5 Case Mod is a hoax:

    …he simply filled it with PC workings and then photographed his own working G5 with the side of the case off. Concocting a far-fetched anecdote around the wheeze and sending it off to a website was probably not the best move however. In a matter of two days he claims to have received 1,300 messages of contempt, disgust and incomprehension.


  4. Red Wolf

    8 February 2004 at 2.32 pm

    Thanks to ginshirou for confirming that Dell-tard is not only a troll, but the G5 violation was a hoax


  5. lucie

    9 February 2004 at 6.12 pm

    Phew! It was all just a bad dream after all.


  6. dilated

    10 February 2004 at 10.10 am

    I’m surprised he didn’t get any death threats


  7. Red Wolf

    10 February 2004 at 10.52 am

    There’s an update from the original article with a note from the wingnut behind the hoax. Does the suggestion from one mortified Mac aficionado that he “should be hung by his testicles and lit on fire” count as a death threat?


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