Shag’n Nathan J

Straight outta the Outré Gallery‘s newsletter:

Outré will be publishing a full-colour 48 page book on the work of Nathan entitled “Scarygirl: Art by Nathan”. This will be one of the very first monographs in the world focussing on vinyl as a new artistic medium. It will include reproductions of Nathan’s working sketches, illustrations and beautiful, detailed photographs of his vinyl work.

I want this fucking book. I want this exhibition to come to Sydney but alas it appears that this is not the case. Nathan J will only be available for Melbournians viewing pleasure, damn it!
HEROES AND MONSTERS: NEW WORKS BY SHAG, Sydney Opera House: 30 January – 24 February 2004.
Meet Shag in Sydney:

  • Saturday 21 February at The Studio for Official Book signing, 2-4pm
  • Sunday 22 February at The Studio for Closing Celebration, 6:30-8:30pm, and then following for DJs and dancing at The Opera bar until late (free admission)

Of course many Shaggy related items will be available for all your impulsive Shag needs. If you want to buy original paintings you are too late. There was a list, you could’ve joined the list, but it’s closed and the paintings are spoken for. Sigh!
The countdown is on!

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