Mini iPods, Many Colours

Colourful mini iPods have been unveiled at the current Macworld Expo. The mini iPods come in silver, gold, pink, lime and blue, alas there is no purple. They hold 4G worth of music and/or data and is even smaller than your standard iPods. The buttons have been integrated into the scroll wheel, which is actually a click wheel on these things so I’d be interested to see how this goes. Not sure if I like the idea of them reinventing the scroll wheel, it’s a fantastic usability and design feature of the iPod that helps set it apart from all the other wannabe iPods.

Accessory madness has already hit the mini iPod range. You can now buy an armband to shamelessly flaunt your shiny new mininess. Not sure if it’s such a bargain though, a full iPod with 15G capacity is $299 USD, where as the mini iPod holding 4G is $249 USD. You’d really have to love the colours and really, really, really, really need something that bit smaller.

New iLife has also been released with a new app, GarageBand, which allows users to record and mix their own tunes. But wait, isn’t that what Soundtrack was/is for? Hmmm… maybe. GarageBand seems to be the really, really, really, easy way to record, for example, with one cable you can just plug in your guitar and go off! Which has sold me, not sure how soundtrack does do this or if it can.

More stuff was announced but you can read about it here.

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  1. Red Wolf

    7 January 2004 at 12.53 pm

    The mini-iPods come in crappy colours and they aren’t at the US$99 mark that was originally rumoured either. I expected a lot better effort from Apple


  2. lucie

    7 January 2004 at 2.41 pm

    I think it’s overpriced but I guess it will drop over time. It would seem that these iPods are marketed at a totally different audience and competing more with other mp3 players, not the full feature iPod. There are some interesting comments on what do i know.
    As for the colours, I’m going to have to see them in real life. The anodised aluminium texture will have a somewhat mattifying effect. They are of course what consumers would consider trendy, and probably taken directly from past iMac lines. No purple, but the silver and blue do look nice.


  3. Red Wolf

    8 January 2004 at 12.18 pm

    Curious to see if we get a price drop when they hit here. There’s no reason for not having purple, both aluminium and titanium anodise to really nice shades of purple, so there’s no excuse for the awful gold and pale pink versions


  4. hiya!

    6 May 2004 at 11.50 pm

    Hey all! I want the price to drop cos’ I’m younger and seems to be what Apple has accomodated and targeted for…teenagers. Everyone around me is getting one, it’s the “in thing for 04” apparently but I just love music, and dance. I hope it’s not more than 300 aussie dollars, I really could do with a good ipod. You think they would’ve improved the “battery problems” that have been said about the older, white ipods? Ciao! 🙂


  5. Laura

    14 October 2004 at 1.52 pm

    i think that the i-pods are cute and small but can be lower in price, if apple want to make money then drop the price a bit.


  6. jen hunter

    21 June 2005 at 9.05 pm

    I want to know how much i can get a mini pink ipod for?


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