Something Wicked This Way Comes

New Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban trailer released. This site also looks quite pretty.

You can also check out where currently you can see an animated wanted poster of Sirius Black, and post sightings.

The third movie isn’t due to be released until 4 June 2004 though. At this stage Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), will be 30 when the 5th movie is released. It’ll be Beverly Hills 90210 all over again… AHH!! Imagine Aaron Spelling producing a Harry Potter movie. Not a covered navel in sight and Tori shamelessly paraded around as Hermione.

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  1. Red Wolf

    19 November 2003 at 11.35 am

    Nice trailer, looks as stylish as the first two movies from that teaser


  2. Valerie

    18 March 2004 at 5.23 pm

    I’m a little confused where is “Something Wicked This Way Comes” from? I can’t figure it out and its buggin me. If anyone could tell I would be SO grateful!! Thanx!!


  3. Red Wolf

    18 March 2004 at 6.56 pm

    Something Wicked This Way Comes is a Ray Bradbury book, which was made into a Disney movie with Jason Robards and Jonathon Pryce. But the actual quote is from Macbeth:

    By the pricking of my thumbs,
    Something wicked this way comes.

    Shakespeare did have some killer prose, and this is one of my favourite quotes


  4. Christopher Emick

    14 May 2004 at 3.13 am

    An obviously clueless moron stumbled across this page and decided to share its rantings: But what is the relevance to this movie. Where did it appear in the book or whatever?


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