The Adobe Florist

Adobe’s CS range means new software, new packaging, new name and of course new icons. Checkout the icon for Illustrator CS posted on What Do I Know.
Hmmm… pink flower = a vector illustration program. Adobe what the hell are you thinking? Okay, so it goes with new packaging, but it says nothing about what the application does. If they wanted to keep flower graphics from the packaging, then surely they could’ve done something to it to show hey, it’s a vector illustration program. Even if the flower was drawn in Illustrator, (maybe it was?), or showed node points or a pen tool, or even use the same masking technique from the packaging.
Guess I’ll have to download the tryouts just to see the rest of the bouquet. They should at least have a purple one.

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One Comment

  1. Red Wolf

    14 November 2003 at 5.40 pm

    Hideous. It’s ugly and pointless and pink, perfect for Barbie’s First Drawing program, but not for what is supposed to be professional software.
    As soon as they start whacking letters after the product title, you know they’ve lost the plot. Who are they trying to imitate? Macromedia? Microsoft?


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