Online Shopping Extravaganza

The Pagan Prattle found an auction for a vampire-killing kit complete with a wooden stake and ten silver bullets that recently sold for US$12,000. The kit, a walnut box that also contained a crucifix, a pistol, a rosary and vessels for garlic powder and various serums, was bought by an anonymous phone bidder.

Proving that there’s an online store for everyone:

Some brains are just naturally better, juicier, and formerly smarter than others, and we’ve got them at We sell only the highest quality fresh brains, delivered straight to your door. We do the dirty deed so you can spend more time… well… doing whatever the hell it is you zombies do when you’re not ripping open people’s heads.

Next time you’re stuck at some boring gathering, rather than gnawing your arm off to escape, taste a stab at some paper plate origami.Next time you’re stuck at some boring gathering, rather than gnawing your arm off to escape, taste a stab at some paper plate origami. And if you really want to get into the plate folding groove, there’s a couple of books; The Geometry of Wholemovement for the adults and The Hands-On Marvelous Ball Book for the sprogs.

Everyone is going hi-tech these days, so why not take advantage and book a visit from the Stool Fairy.

While not actually selling anything, an enterprising Russian has assembled a massive list of screen shots from video games featuring toilets — from Alien vs Predator to X-Com 3.

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