Rejected from Slashdot, so you get to enjoy it here…
BBC News is reporting the discovery of the first new method of generating electricity in over 150 years. Canadian scientists from U.Alberta have created a ‘water battery’ that can produce power without moving parts. The device stores water in thousands of 10 micron channels and generates electrity using charge separation. In the future, recharging your mobile phone could be a matter of pumping its water supply to high pressure…
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Red Wolf
21 October 2003 at 8.57 am
So finally we’ll be leaving the steam age behind
Red Wolf
21 October 2003 at 5.46 pm
They’re already trumpeting this as the next new technology to power mobile phones. Which should be amusing to see the suit on the train explaining that the wet patch in his trousers is a leaky mobile phone
16 April 2005 at 4.04 pm
They already have this new technology to power MOBLIE PHONE.
Which would be comical to see the outfit on a train as a leaky moblie phone