Simpsons = Bad, Writhing Sluts = Good?

Here’s something that makes no sense to me, my aunt won’t let her 14 year old son watch the Simpsons but she’s taking him to see Christina Aguilera? Surely you get more good quality, humorous, entertainment from the Simpsons instead of watching Madame Aguilera writhing around while miming?

What’s with this cruel and unusual punishment?

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  1. Red Wolf

    17 October 2003 at 11.20 am

    Christina Aguilera is interchangable for any other pop bimbo, they all look alike and they all sound alike. The only good thing is that their talentless arses will drop off the public radar in a few years.

    Just think of the joy of seeing Brittany Spears on a future episode of ‘Whatever Happened To…?’. She’ll have been forced to earn her living as a Hooters waitress when the fickle public declared her a dinosaur and shifted onto the next no-talent clone


  2. lucie

    17 October 2003 at 1.24 pm

    I’m sure the 14 year old doesn’t mind the tits ‘n arse show, in fact I think aunt is taking him to squash his geekish tendencies. However, a child should never be deprived of the Simpsons.


  3. cheeka

    22 February 2007 at 11.43 am

    Well they’re both imperfect as role models, someone such as Christina Aguilera is far too sexualised for kids and will give him a negative view of women, and the Simpsons is all about the child beating and repetitive boring jokes…


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