Little Frog Heads

Several years back Cadbury brought out Tiny Freddos, miniature chocolate frogs that arrived in a good sized bag of individually foiled wrapped goodness. After addicting me to their wonderful product, Cadbury pulled it with no explanation, leaving me bereft of Tiny Freddos.
Yesterday I found a bag of snack size bags — packaging overload — full of tiny Freddo heads. A goodly amount of frog heads in each little bag, sized just right for a melt in the mouth treat and lovingly designed to be shoved up the nose of the annoying sibling who is trying to steal your frog bits.
Hopefully Tiny Freddo Heads will have a longer production run than the Tiny Freddos and keep me in chocolate frog heaven for years to come.

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  1. Jen

    6 September 2004 at 9.46 pm

    I agree i found them today they are excellent and they are just the right size, not to much not to little


  2. Sam

    7 September 2004 at 6.02 pm

    I also agree, my little boy loved it as it was the perfect size for his little mouth and also a lovely snack for me. However, now I can’t find them anywhere please don’t tell me that they have gone, does anyone know?


  3. Red Wolf

    14 September 2004 at 9.04 am

    Woolworths no longer stock Tiny Freddo Heads, thanks to their policy of screwing the customer over and dropping popular product lines in favour of their home brand garbage that has a higher profit margin. However, Coles still carry them, as I bought a bag last week


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