And The Winner Is…

Mac OS X browser smackdown.

So far I’ve only skimmed this article quickly and checked out the comparison charts, but this looks to be quite a solid article comparing the pros and cons of the 9 browsers available for us OS X users.

And the winner according to this article is…

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One Comment

  1. sbszine

    3 September 2003 at 2.33 pm

    Interesting. Reading the article it seems to me that Firebird was clearly the best browser (in terms of compliance, speed, stability, playing nice with ohter apps etc), but that Safari got the nod on account of its chrome fitting in with the rest of the OS (whereas Firebird has its own native chrome). Hopefully someone will give FB the necessary makeover. If you’re interested in doing this yourself, it’s just a matter of some PNG images and a bit of CSS to handle rollovers etc:


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