Spinning and Weaving with Dog Hair

Just finished the latest project — three dog scarves. Not scarves for dogs, despite what the full size version of the second image may indicate, but scarves made from dog.

The striped warp is commercial cotton in black and natural, the white being too stark against the natural colour of the dog yarn, which gives the finished scarves a fuzzy halo much like mohair.

The weft for two of the scarves is a hand spun blend of Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky undercoat — the stuff they would otherwise leave all over the house. The yarn for one of the scarves is overspun, producing a scarf with a corded texture. The third scarf is woven with dog yarn plyed with natural black Alpaca giving the finished item a tweed effect.

All three scarves are finished with hand twisted fringes.

It helps to catch your models during a nap.

Although, sometimes luck is with you and they stop gnawing on each others heads long enough to get a decent picture.

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  1. lucie

    28 July 2003 at 11.30 am

    I’ll have to take some snaps of Jasper modelling the purple and black scarves you made for me! Jasper looks adorable in purple.


  2. Red Wolf

    29 July 2003 at 1.24 pm

    Love to see Jasper dressed in regal purple splendour. I hope you’re saving his fuzz for me, I saw a very soft, fluffy cat hat last week and thought of Jasper


  3. ms gusset

    29 July 2003 at 6.48 pm

    great photos – and well done on the spinning/weaving work – it looks like quite a time consuming thing to do. remember reading an article about new breeds of dog eg the labradoodle, and how yr malamute is now the hip thing amongst them well to do people’s with money to burn.


  4. Red Wolf

    30 July 2003 at 9.40 am

    The spinning is more time consuming than the weaving, but the end product is worth it. Funny thing about malamutes being a fad breed, the idiots who want one as the latest fashion accessory never understand the nature of the breed and end up with a highly intelligent dog who runs roughshod over their lives. Explains the high dumpage rate. Some arctic breeds! My malamute is curled up beside me and my husky is tucked up in my bed


  5. barb

    7 March 2007 at 8.05 am

    Hi. I am a petsitter and have cared for a wonderful yellow lab, Bailey Hall, for 12 years. Someone mentioned that we might be able to have something made out of her hair. Is that possible? We just moved to FL in Oct.
    Thanks for any info.


  6. Elaine Driscoll

    12 January 2010 at 2.01 pm

    We have lost a much loved Corgi- was wanting someone to weave his hair, do you know anybody in Brisbane Australia who could do this for me as I would like to make a scarf of something of that approximate size. Many thanks.


  7. Red Wolf

    12 January 2010 at 4.38 pm

    I don’t know what kind of fibre you have. Is it already spun? If not you’ll need to get it spun first and if spinning, it will need to be the soft fuzzy undercoat and not the coarser guard hair. Obviously, it will need to be clean too as there are few spinners who will be willing to take on dirty fuzz.
    Once spun, it can then be woven, knitted or crocheted into a scarf.
    Another option is to have the fuzz felted. Your options may be limited by how much fibre you have available.
    Two places you can go for further info is Queensland Spinners Weavers and Fibre Artists and the anzweavespin group. You should be able to track someone down there who’ll be able to lead you in the right direction


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