IE for mac no more. Go Safari!

It’s official, microsoft will not be making any more versions of internet explorer for mac. But as an OSX user myself I couldn’t care less. Good riddance I say! Safari has taken IEs place as my default browser ever since it’s first public beta release, and I’ve never looked back! It’s faster, lighter, manages my bookmarks beautifully and of course offers tabbed browsing, all in a sleek brushed metal interface like iTunes and Quicktime. Mind you the overall interface design for IE was nice. It was all aquafied and you could change the colour of the icons to match your mac, (unless of course your mac’s beige).

The only reason for me to keep IE on my machine now is for testing!

This move by microsoft will however not be terribly welcome by OS9.2 and below users though I’m sure. For those on OS9.2 and below, I suggest checking out the fine free browsers on offer from mozilla as a way of quietly sticking it to Microsoft.

More thoughts on the subject can be read at and What do I

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One Comment

  1. sbszine

    16 June 2003 at 11.53 am

    The more quality software Apple produces and opens, the more I like them. Go the Apple. If my experiment with Linux doesn’t pan out I will get a Mac I think, just to have Unix CLI and stability.


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