Gravity Is Not Your Friend

I’ve been wondering if male dogs are all missing the gene that prevents them rolling off things.

If they are lying on a raised surface — bed, lounge, back seat of the car — their preferred position is to lie with their back to the edge. And sooner or later the urge to roll over means they hit the floor with a thump.

The first time Husky showed this lack of spatial awareness, he scared the hell out of me. He was in such a deep sleep that he didn’t wake on impact and I rushed over to check he was still alive. He was fine, of course, just a little confused at being woken by a concerned human.

Oddly enough he doesn’t learn from his falls. I’m always catching him lying in strange places and have to shove him back before he succumbs to the laws of gravity again.

Malamute never drops off the furniture. Neither do the other two female malamutes in the clan. This behaviour is limited to the male dogs in the family but, admittedly, I am working with a very small pool of two out of five dogs.

It’s all very peculiar.

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