Enjoying a carafe of Tang and listening to Greg Packer’s mix CD from the cover of the latest Knowledge magazine. Life is good.
Just thought you should know.
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Red Wolf
3 June 2003 at 2.46 pm
Ick! Evil! They make sugar-free Tang? That’s just wrong
4 June 2003 at 12.12 pm
Oddly enough it tastes much the same…
Neibi bought it for me and I couldn’t break her heart by complaining about the lack of sugar.
8 June 2003 at 8.43 pm
Did you see the photos of Dylan’s wedding?
11 June 2003 at 3.12 pm
Yes, I saw the photos. BO! WEDDING OF THE YEAR! was the headline, and I think Trace was the best man. Dylan’s new wife is a big spunk, BTW.
16 March 2004 at 10.19 am
Where to get Greg Packer CDs?! Heard him way back in Perth, fucking wicked!