Foxtel wants UK-style block on piracy websites

Australia’s largest pay TV provider, Foxtel, has told the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) that Australia should follow the UK and block sites that offer copyright infringing content, such as The Pirate Bay.

Foxtel, the pay TV network that is owned by Telstra and News Limited, said in its submission (PDF) to the ALRC’s review of copyright law that the film studios should be able to go to court and force internet service providers (ISPs) to block specific websites that host infringing content.

We submit that parliament should provide the courts with the power to order ISPs to block specific sites. This power would be exercised after application by a rights holder and result in the issuing of an injunction that applies to all ISPs, Foxtel said. This legislation would be similar to that used in the UK to block piracy sites, such as The Pirate Bay — via

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