Rackspace confirms dedicated Sydney data centre

US hosting giant Rackspace has confirmed plans to launch a large data centre in Sydney later this year, to support growing local demand for its services after entering the Australian and Zealand markets in 2009 using its infrastructure located overseas.

In a statement this morning, Rackspace revealed the data centre, based in the Sydney suburb of Erskine Park, is being built in partnership with data centre specialist Digital Realty. It’s currently in the late stages of construction and the first customers are expected to go live in late 2012, said Rackspace’s statement. To ensure it’s operated in the same manner as other Rackspace data centres, it includes security certifications upon launch for UTI Tier III Design and Construction, with certifications planned for SSAE16, ISO 27001, ISO 14001, PCI, and ASIO Intruder Resistant once fully operational. Further information is available online.

Rackspace is one of the largest global hosting companies, providing a range of services from eight existing data centres located overseas. The company provides infrastructure services ranging from dedicated hosting to private and public cloud services, as well as application hosting — such as email systems.

The company said today that since formally entering the Australian and New Zealand markets in 2009, it had experienced a significant increase in local customer numbers. Prominent local customers include Rio Tinto, Telstra, Australia Post, Monash University, Tourism Queensland and more — via redwolf.newsvine.com

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