Twitter Working on Way to Retrieve Old Tweets

Twitter is working on a tool that would let users export every tweet they’ve ever made on the site, the company’s chief executive, Dick Costolo, told The New York Times.

But why would someone want all their tweets — possibly going all the way back to 2006, when Twitter was first launched?

Facebook already lets you download a personal archive that includes a list of every message you’ve ever sent to someone, a list of every friend you have on the network, copies of any photos or videos you have ever uploaded to the site, and much more. I recently fetched mine and was surprised at the amount of data I’ve shared — packaged up by Facebook into 46MB worth of files and folders — and I consider myself a light user.

Now imagine data from Twitter’s 140 million users who are firing off 140-character tweets throughout the day, every day, whether about their own personal trivia, or their thoughts on current news as it unfolds — via

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