Judge: Bradley Manning supporter can sue government over border search

An outspoken supporter of WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning has won the right to sue the federal government over a border search-and-seizure that agents conducted in 2010 after his return to the US from a Mexico vacation.

David Maurice House, an MIT researcher, was granted the right to pursue a case against the government on Wednesday after a federal judge denied the government’s motion to dismiss.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit in May 2011 on House’s behalf, charging that he had been targeted solely for his lawful association with the Bradley Manning Support Network.

This ruling affirms that the Constitution is still alive at the US border, ACLU Staff Attorney Catherine Crump said in a statement. Despite the government’s broad assertions that it can take and search any laptop, diary or smartphone without any reasonable suspicion, the court said the government cannot use that power to target political speech — via redwolf.newsvine.com

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