Kickstarter crowdsourced cash empowers US innovators

The calm, industrious mood inside Double Fine Production’s office masks the elation that erupted into champagne-splashed toasts earlier this month.

The San Francisco-based video games developer is making history by bankrolling its next title using only crowdsourced cash.

Within 24 hours of seeking pledges over the internet it had bagged more than $1m (£630m), overshooting its initial target of $400,000. By the campaign’s end it had reeled in a total of $3.4m from more than 87,000 supporters for its point-and-click adventure game.

The studio’s founder, Tim Schafer, is legendary in gaming circles for titles including Psychonauts and Brutal Legend, but he had still found it hard work to secure funds through traditional means. So the idea of going direct to his fans had obvious appeal.

It felt great because it was like getting validation for a project at the beginning instead of the end, he told the BBC — via

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