Repo Man Rides Again: Alex Cox Interviewed

Repo Man is coming out on Blu-ray but not here in the United States. Why?

Alex Cox: Universal Studios has an antipathy towards Repo Man and towards Walker. I don’t think they will ever bring out a good version in the US. I can’t understand why Universal won’t do a sequel given how much money they made off the original Repo Man. It’s an institutional animus. The kinds of people that get jobs in studios tend to be fearful of their superiors and that’s how they keep their jobs. The guys at Universal, even though they were 13 when Repo Man came out, they’ve been told by their superiors: We don’t like that film. And that’s the official attitude from generation to generation in the studio. They have an institutional animus which almost makes you think that corporations really could be people

Then there’s the crisis of getting rights from studios.

Alex Cox: It’s so corrupt. Now they want to have longer copyright periods because they say the young artists are relying on this money. The young artists never see any money because they sign away that money to big media corporations, like Universal and Viacom. We, the artists, lose all of our rights to these massive corporations, who then come down heavy on these kids for downloading films and music that we never see a penny from. It’s complete bullshit. I want to encourage your audience to go and pirate a bunch of my stuff right away — via

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