The Target Isn’t Hollywood, MPAA, RIAA, Or MAFIAA: It’s The Policymakers

Big Monopoly has learned in the past century that when they look like a little spoiled brat having a tantrum, politicians will throw taxpayer money their way to shut them up. Therefore, this is a behaviour they emulate as soon they are given a good enough excuse. It’s simply a reinforced, learned behaviour.

A boycott against Big Monopoly will not work. Any noticeable drop in profits will cause them to throw a tantrum at policy makers and complain how their profits are dropping due to piracy, and request harder enforcement of their copyright monopolies at the expense of our civil liberties and the freedom of the net.

Buying more of their products (yeah, right) will not work. Any noticeable raise in profits will cause them to commission reports to policy makers illustrating their grandiose importance to the economy as a whole, suggesting that they are the direct reason for at least several hundred per cent of the gross national product. Therefore, they will argue, they need additional protection as a national interest.

Doing nothing will not work either, as we are constantly on the retreat in civil liberties — via

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