ISP data retention still an issue, Ludlam warns

Speaking at Electronic Frontiers Australia’s War on the Internet event on Saturday in Melbourne (full video available online here), Ludlam, who is the Communications Spokesperson for the Greens, said much of the thinking around the data retention proposal had been integrated into new cybercrime legislation introduced in mid-2011.

Ludlam said the proposal had been narrowed down to a degree to which most people would find reasonable, in that law enforcement agencies could, for example, request ISPs to keep all available data on people suspected of committing major crimes such as terrorism — a technique he described as hold that person’s everything, until we tell you not to any more.

However, the Greens Senator warned, that cybercrime legislation could mutate into something completely different. Maybe let’s trap all the data of these categories of people, he said, appearing to refer to the political activist community, many members of whom had gathered at the Melbourne event. Or these postcodes of people — via

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