By all means, Mr Nile, you go out and be as Christian as you want; I respect that entirely. But that does not give you and your supporters the right to attempt to shape a future generation of adults in your mould – that is a religious conservative.
Your views are out of step with modern society, so I would ask you to reconsider your actions and continue to allow parents and children a choice in their classrooms.
So Mr Nile, I would be delighted if you would come and actually observe our ethics classes, so that you can see first-hand how they work.
And Premier Barry O’Farrell you promised to keep ethics classes. Mr Nile is trying to make you break your promises and undermine what you stand for.
I trust you not to be manipulated by a man who on Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras gets down on his knees and prays for rain.
Charlie Fine is 11 years old and attends a public school in the eastern suburbs of Sydney — via