They Lock Up Journalists, Don’t They?

Picture the scene: An intelligent young American reporter and her able cameraman are on assignment deep the heart of the old Cold War super power. Their story: Ten thousand protestors, led by a priest, outside a military school that has been proven to train death squads, rapists and high ranking war criminals. Each year some of the protesters deliberately cross into the base and are arrested, in an effort to draw attention to the plight of those killed and have the school closed.

This year, however, the police are more aggressive than usual, and they arrest protestors who remained outside. The journalists are arrested too. They are held for 32 hours then released after paying a fine.

It’s the kind of story that you’d expect to see in the hourly headlines on CNN — and every other western 24 hour news channel for each of those 32 hours. Afterward, there would have been extended exclusive interviews, maybe even on Oprah or Larry King.

And it might well have been — if it weren’t for the fact that the old Cold War superpower in question wasn’t Russia but the US — via

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