Swedish professor rejoices over laptop thief’s memory stick miracle

Having recently had surgery, the professor could not be bothered to drop off his backpack in his apartment before first going to the laundry room.

He instead left the bag behind a door in the stairwell, thinking it would be safe for a few minutes.

But when he returned a short time later, the bag was missing, along with the computer, keys, calendar and other documents inside.

The professor was most upset by the loss of his calendar.

It is my life. I have documented everything in it that has happened in the last 10 years and beyond, he told the newspaper.

He then called the police to report the incident and blocked the credit cards which were also in the bag.

But when he went down to the stairwell a short time later, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

The backpack was there again. With all the papers, calendar and credit cards. It was just the computer that was missing, he explained.

Unfortunately, I have been bad at backing up my computer — via carloz.newsvine.com

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