If you’re around and about London, enamoured with invertebrates generally, and have always wondered if knitting and you were meant to be; well, here’s the perfect opportunity to find out. This Friday evening (August 27th), from 6pm to 9:30pm, at London’s Natural History Museum, Stitch London will be on hand at to show the public how to make anatomically plausible sea life (with “probably the easiest knitting pattern ever”). This will be part of the last of the museum’s summer after hours evenings. As well, it sounds like they’re working on something big!
Come and see Stitch London’s incredible knitted giant squid on display in the Central Hall. The giant knitted sea creature is a replica of our famous 8m giant squid specimen, Archie, held in the Museum’s Zoology Spirit Collection. Amazingly, the huge knitted Archie is being created with orange yarn made from recycled plastic bags!
Stitch-a-Squid information — via Boingboing