SSDs are still overpriced for most average consumers, but the companies responsible for making them are constantly searching for ways to make them larger (in terms of capacity), smaller (in terms of form factor) and cheaper (in terms of real dollars). Toshiba has their own line of solid state drives right now, but just as the company has innovated in the optical storage department, they’re also hoping to innovate in the world of NAND storage. A new partnership between the company and Tokyo’s Keio University has led to the creation of a new technology that could allow SSDs up to 1TB in size to be made with a footprint no larger than a postage stamp
. That’s far, far smaller than even the 1.8″ drives that currently reside in the larger iPod units, and exponentially smaller than the 2.5″ SSDs that are shipping now for existing notebooks
Toshiba Develops 1TB SSD That Fits On A Postage Stamp
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