I Get Mail: Educated (?) Educator

If you have any form of online presence sooner or later you’ll get odd email.
I have an interesting regular missive sender with an X-Files fetish and a seriously dodgy grip on reality. I figure it’s about time to share Bill’s emails with the world. Plus it should serve as a warning that if you feel the need to send me insane email, I may well feel the urge to share it with a wider audience.

Dear Red Wolf, Would it be feasible to personally fly out to Los Angeles, the former site of thirteen productions, to rally or promote the cause of continuing Chris Carter’s BRAINCHILD deeply imbedded into his X Files Never has a series left the stage with such an easy or simple to return to the original plot formation…Okay Mulder has left in a rather earth shaking event; But he left behind Little William and Scully…AND SUCH A CADRE OF WRITERS! I know I can speak for millions who would rather sit on their duffs lamenting! Please respond and I wil submit the Hows And Wherefores, [Bill’s full name and address removed]

He’s got the uppercase shouting, the weird title casing of unrelated words, peculiar quoting and interesting spelling down, but email forms do limit you in your ability to change the font to Comic Sans, switch the colours to clown vomit and add blink tags, so it could have looked even more wacky.

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