I am now the proud owner of an RFID passport, complete with a very thick page that says “do not stamp… gadgetry inside”. Apparently this will get me through customs faster, but I’ll still have to shave my beard off if I don’t want my shoes to be randomly selected for chemical swabbing yet again.
Next up, biometrics and DNA samples.
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Red Wolf
6 November 2007 at 1.25 pm
All this gadgetry just makes me want to find ways to circumvent it
8 November 2007 at 9.17 am
You could try stamping the “do not stamp” page…
Red Wolf
8 November 2007 at 1.13 pm
I wonder how they react to strong magnetic fields
16 January 2008 at 5.42 am
Hola! Hugo and I have been traveling with these, I’ve still had to remove my bandanna and for some reason in Cuba was asked if I was born in England. It must be my non pommy accent coupled with country of birth: Australia bit in my passport which confounded them.