Torrentspy Disables Searching For US IPs

Torrent indexing site appears to have disabled torrent searches for IPs that originate in the United States. Instead of a results page, users are directed to this page, which states: Torrentspy Acts to Protect Privacy. Sorry, but because you are located in the USA you cannot use the search features of the website. Torrentspy’s decision to stop accepting US visitors was not compelled by any Court but rather an uncertain legal climate in the US regarding user privacy and an apparent tension between US and European Union privacy laws. The action is in response to a federal judge has ordering TorrentSpy to begin keeping server logs as it defends itself against an MPAA lawsuit. In her opinion, Judge Florence-Marie Cooper interpreted federal discovery rules broadly. She noted RAM’s function as primary storage and that the storage of data in RAM — even if not permanently archived — makes it electronically stored information governed by federal discovery rules — via Slashdot

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