MacBooks: The Black Ones Cost More and Their Disk Works Slower

On top of the tales of the appalling finish on the black Macbooks and discolouration of the white Macbooks that have been doing the rounds, here’s a remarkable thing that the Macworld team has turned up in its lab tests. The black Macbooks, when compared to the top-end white versions (the latter, you’ll recall, are AU$300 cheaper but have no other noticeable configuration differences), are actually slower at a number of tasks than the mid-config white ones. That is, if you leave the disk on the white model at 60GB, rather than upgrading to 80GB — via The Guardian

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  1. Feòrag

    18 June 2006 at 8.01 am

    But it’s so black… and mine is perfect for keeping my lap warm.
    Personally, I think Apple have noticed the number of middle aged goths with money and are successfully separating the two.


  2. Red Wolf

    18 June 2006 at 1.09 pm

    As much as I want one, I know my more destructive tendencies would make the crap paint job look even worse. The people at ColorWare are more tempting (and more expensive) option. Mmm… Orange Macbook…


  3. Feòrag

    21 June 2006 at 1.31 am

    You can always play with mine…


  4. Red Wolf

    21 June 2006 at 7.07 am



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