Global Frequency

I have seen Global Frequency and it is good.

Despite being a raw cut to sell to the monkeys at Warner Bros — who apparently wouldn’t know a good show if it bit them on the arse — the pilot still looks awesome. Some of the external sounds, like car doors and engines, were yet to be editted in and sounded a little tinny. The GF ringtone was a placeholder that would have a proper composition later; Warren Ellis was hoping for Aphex Twin, which would have been both amazing and disturbing.

The cast rocked. My only complaint there was the horrible American, cloned cuteness that US network execs seem to demand. I’d have preferred something more gritty. Aleph was so watered-down, I didn’t recognise her at first. That said, Michelle Forbes portrayal of Miranda Zero was perfection. She looked and sounded spot on, plus, she got to go all Emma Peel on the boys, which is always a good thing. You can never have too many women in leather throwing men about.
I was wondering why it looked like they’d opted to run with two leads instead of the constant rotation of guests that the original comic used and screenwriter John Rogers explained:

In order to have some semblance of continuity for network audiences, I needed some viewpoint characters — but it couldn’t be Miranda, because you never knew what was going on in her head. As a matter of fact, part of the entire five-season arc was that you were never sure what Miranda was up to … So we were going to use Josh and Jenni as the focal characters, but toss in a rotating cast of guest characters to be the expert of the week. Neatly, of somebody hit, I could then have built them up into recurring. Then, if the audience really started to like them … I’d kill them.

I guess now the weird thing is that a show that never was has developed a fanbase. You’ve got to love the internets.

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