Hotmail Takes a Tougher Stance on Spam

Microsoft is throwing the full weight of Hotmail behind its Sender ID e-mail authentication technology by sidelining incoming mail when it fails to pass a Sender ID check. The software maker has begun warning Hotmail users with an on-screen alert when the sender of an incoming e-mail cannot be verified using its Sender ID Framework. Mail that fails to pass the test will be placed in a junk mail folder or could even be deleted

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  1. Feòrag

    27 June 2005 at 10.42 pm

    I just sent gmail invitations to the Hotmail users I know.


  2. Red Wolf

    27 June 2005 at 11.31 pm

    It’s nice that someone’s taking a stance on sender ID, but as the vast bulk of Hotmail users won’t understand what the hell is going on, it looks more like the plan will blow up in their face. But then, even for those of us in the know, there’s just not a lot we can do it anyway


  3. Feòrag

    28 June 2005 at 1.26 am

    I can see it causing havoc on the mailing lists I administer, especially as one of my current pains is that Hotmail sends out non-standard bounce messages. Gmail’s antispam seems to just work, without putting any extra load on the user or their server.


  4. Red Wolf

    28 June 2005 at 8.52 am

    Add to this the nightmare of Yahoo, who block your Group access when you bounce back a spam message sent from one of their groups because they refuse to put proper anti-spam protocols in place, and e-mail is starting to look a right mess


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