Pointy Knives Can Kill: Official

The British Medical Journal has discovered something which may have escaped the attention of the less well-informed reader: that long pointy knives are sharp and can be stuck into people thereby causing them damage or even provoking a death-related incident. The solution? Oblige long pointy knife manufacturers to make the knives less pointy by rounding off the tips

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  1. IrishVampire13

    4 June 2005 at 12.12 pm

    So they can kill, ey? What, all those *homicides* didn’t give that away?


  2. Red Wolf

    4 June 2005 at 7.06 pm

    For a bunch of guys who make their living sticking scalpels in people, it took them long enough to notice


  3. IrishVampire13

    5 June 2005 at 1.22 pm



  4. Feòrag

    11 June 2005 at 12.13 pm

    This will undoubtedly make us the laughing stock of Europe. In the meantime, I want to challenge the doctor concerned to a carrot-slicing competition – me with my great big French cook’s knife (very pointy); he with a blunt knife. Mandolines not allowed.


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