Fully Skinned Firefox Themes

Mozilla FirefoxNow that Firefox has become more popular, we’re starting to see some fully themed skins, with non-native buttons, scrollbars etc. Since it’s hard to pick them from the crowd at Moz upate, here are my favourites (the links point to the Win32 versions, but you’re smart enough to find them for your OS du jour, ja?).

  • Plastikfox SVG uses the latest KDE (Linux / BSD desktop) vector art. There’s even a CuteMenu icon for most menu sub-items. If the other KDE apps look half this slick I’m switching to Linux.
  • Pimpzilla is a gorgeous theme decked out in leopardskin, shiny gold, and fuzzy white suede. It really has to be seen to be believed.
  • Saferfox Xpanded has a very Mac OS X look about it. It was originally a clone of the Safari skin, but has now developed its own style.
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  1. Ashera

    25 February 2005 at 1.41 am

    Although I like Pimpzilla, I find that Plastikfox SVG and Saferfox Xpanded are a little to plain and plastic-y for my taste. I would like to suggest a couple different themes that are also slick, but less boring.
    Shinobi is a smooth, black theme with a slick feel to it befitting to it’s name. If black is not your color, there are also many other colors of themes with similar layouts on the Spiral website.
    Cold Command is less colorful than Pimpzilla and Shinobi, but it’s rounded, simple yet elegant buttons are very easy on the eyes. This skin is excelent for extened use.
    I hope someone finds these of use!


  2. sbszine

    25 February 2005 at 9.39 am

    The Shinobi site is great; thanks for the link : )
    I quite like Cold Command and Enigma Machine, but as they use system colours for the menu bars etc, I find that they don’t quite hang together the way the others do on Win2K (i.e., they’re probably optimised for a default WinXP install)


  3. Skullbasher62

    17 April 2005 at 3.22 pm

    Firefox Themes: that place has a bunch of firefox themes composed in a list. im currenly using the LongFiber theme. its a darker theme, but it looks really good.


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