How Not to Run an ISP

Triode Internet used to owned by a friend, but he recently sold it to a bunch of monkeys who seem completely clueless about running either an ISP or a business.
What few staff they have are treated with contempt by the new owner. The single tech guy is run off his feet and not capable of dealing with requests from tech-savvy clients. And anything that goes wrong is immediately declared to be the fault of the previous owner.

The server my site used to live on had been a bit iffy for quite some time, I knew this. Apparently the monkeys now running Triode didn’t. For months I have had to put up with the server running out of room because they haven’t been maintaining it properly.

A shift to a new server was all well and good. Aside from the small inconvenience of said monkeys being incapable of installing basic perl modules.

Before the server shift, I specifically mentioned the perl modules I would need to run my site. These weren’t arcane modules, they were relatively standard fare for many web sites and necessary for running something like Movabletype. I was assured that they were already installed and running on the the server, as were several other instances of Movabletype. When I tried to install Movabletype on the new server, I discovered that the information given to me by D&M Technologies was a blatant lie. The modules hadn’t been installed and there was no way the software could run without them. I then spent several weeks getting the runaround about the modules being installed tomorrow — tomorrow never came — before I was ignored altogether.

Having a web site down for this length of time with no adequate explanation was not a joyous experience. I had no choice but to find an alternate host to get everything back up and running.

A request for a refund for six months hosting was laughed at and all complaints were palmed off as the fault of the previous owner or the mystical flag of all our other customers are happy, what’s wrong with you was waved. Both of which are complete bollocks. Case in point being that spam skyrocketed when they took over because they refuse to maintain spam filters and all queries I had submitted about this were ignored.

They couldn’t sort out my ISP account properly and when told to leave it alone, went ahead with a change anyway. Billing is appalling late and always incorrect. And yet, this is still claimed to be all the fault of the previous owner, despite the problems only occurring since they took over.

So if you’re looking for a completely incompetent ISP and clueless web host these guys will do right by you. For everyone else, stay well away from any ISP run by D&M Technologies, which includes; Triode Internet, Goanna Internet, Aussie Dial and Aussie ISP. The fact that they tried to seek an exemption from the TIO Scheme says that they can’t be trusted.

I think I’m doing well to be shot of them.

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  1. froggy

    24 February 2005 at 8.17 am

    i wouldn’t have told it better 😉 hahaha…
    Did they also deleted your all mailbox, never restored it and even never answered any of your mails (oops the mail box is or closed, or they blocked my addies…) — because that’s how they treated me… and i’m not oen to ask a lot . They have guts to blame the previous owner… never had such issues when he was running triode… duh!


  2. Rohan

    29 October 2006 at 10.27 pm

    I’ve never had any problems with Triode but if I were as smug as you I wouldn’t be surprised if they ignored me. I certainly wouldn’t post a passive agressive article about it that no one there will ever read. Maybe they have a sixth sense for smug fuckwits like you. What IS wrong with you?


  3. Red Wolf

    30 October 2006 at 7.30 am

    Ignored requests, unanswered phones, publicly listed contact email addresses for the ISP disconnected, services shutdown, email accounts cancelled, entire web sites deleted with no warning or backup offered to clients (fortunately, I missed this gem of customer service, but it took out a couple of froggy’s sites), lack of communication, repeatedly being billed for services that had both been paid for and long since cancelled.
    If being a smug fuckwit means that I would actually like the service I paid for to function as promised, then so be it. The same goes for professional courteous service, none of which I received since D&M Technologies took over the running of Triode.
    Perhaps I’m expecting too much from an ISP. Or maybe my standards just aren’t as low as Rohan’s


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