Site Live Again

Apologies to those wondering about the lack of updates of late, it was due to a couple of server moves and an incompetent ISP.

After much investigation, and a push from my old ISP courtesy of poor service, I opted for iiNet. However, the site hosting had just been paid for the year and was still with the original ISP.

Wait for it, this does have something to do with the site being brunk for over a week.

I asked old ISP to send my domain mail through to my new ISP, which I though was a simple enough task. It did happen, with much grumbling and it was suggested that as the server the site lived on at the old ISP was old and unstable, perhaps I would like to be swapped over to a shiny new server with cPanel at no charge. Why not.

Site got moved, ran the check utility for MT and found some missing perl modules. Old ISP has not been able to install basic perl modules in a week. On top of that my webspace and bandwidth were a hell of a lot less on the new server than on the old.

Back into research mode and a bit of poking around on the MT support forum found a thread of MT friendly hosts. Decided on Total Choice Hosting, as they seemed to have a lot of happy MT customers. Signed up yesterday, account was confirmed overnight, spent the day uploading files and redelegating the domain, by the time I got home the domain delegation had gone through and I’ve just been rebuilding the site.

And why, I hear you ask, am I rebuilding the site? Because old ISP was incapable of porting my original database from the old server to the new server. That’s one blog rebuilt and three more to go. Never have I been more happy that the old server couldn’t manage PHP archive pages, it meant that while the site was not functioning, it was at least accessible. And as a bonus it kept the comment spamming scum at bay for a while.

Update: That’s the last of the blogs rebuilt. From signup to completion was about 36 hours, I wasn’t at it continuously, which is quite a difference from the week down and still counting to install the missing perl modules at the old ISP.

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  1. Feòrag

    16 February 2005 at 1.10 am

    Coming soon on my LiveJournal – my attempts to buy software thwarted by a shopping basket which appears not to work on the platform the software is for!

  2. sbszine

    16 February 2005 at 8.44 am

    I’ve been trying to write a PostNuke module and get it registered on their equivalent of sourceforge. They won’t register it unless the module meets the API spec, but the spec document consists mostly of comments like “TODO: write spec here”. Sigh.

  3. Red Wolf

    16 February 2005 at 8.46 am

    Keep me posted on the module details

  4. sbszine

    17 February 2005 at 12.57 pm

    The module is a demo trading app for musicians. Anyone with an account on the site can register themself as a producer, and upload a photo, a bio etc. Then they can upload mp3s of their music (up to a megabyte limit set in the module config), and / or link to mp3s hosted elsewhere.

    I’ve got it working in a really hacky, non-compliant way, and you can see it here.

    When I get the API compliance happening, the site admin will be able to configure the module, set user permissions etc from the PostNuke admin controls GUI, rather than editing a text file. It’ll also be fully localised in both English and French.

    I’ve found a forum where the PostNuke developers hang out, and they’re helping me get it going. It took me a year to write and debug the first version, so I imagine the compliant version will be likewise delayed.

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