Calls For Probe Into PM’s Spam

Labor has called for an investigation into John Howard‘s use of unsolicited email. Mr Howard has hired his son Tim’s company, Net Harbour, to spam voters in the prime minister’s blue ribbon Sydney seat of Bennelong. Labor’s technology spokeswoman Kate Lundy said the government’s own laws, which came into effect four months ago, banned commercial spamming. But the laws exempt political parties and charities from using spam, which has become a crucial tool in communicating with voters. The prime minister has breached the spirit, if not the letter of anti-spam laws, Senator Lundy said

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One Comment

  1. Red Wolf

    29 August 2004 at 12.23 pm

    Shame is that the alternative is only marginally less noxious than Howard. Poor old Bob Brown doesn’t have much of a chance with the brainwashed masses

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